ExoVasc® PEARS

Two Clinical Papers published on ExoVasc®!


In the last week, two peer-reviewed clinical papers on ExoVasc® have been published discussing the observed desired clinical outcomes of the PEARS procedure.

The first ‘Personalised external aortic root support for elective treatment of aortic root dilation in 200 patients’, by Lucas Van Hoof et al, published in Heart, Journal of the British Cardiovascular Society, discusses the results of a clinical study performed on the first 200 consecutive ExoVasc patients following implantation at 23 different centres between 2004 and 2019. Based on 596 postoperative patient years, it concludes that PEARS has a low operative mortality and that aortic dissection has not been observed to date in the part of the aorta restrained by the ExoVasc® PEARS implant.

The paper can be located via this link: Personalised external aortic root support for elective treatment of aortic root dilation in 200 patients.

The second ‘Personalized External Aortic Root Support (PEARS) for Aortic Root Aneurysm’, by Louise A Kenny et al, published in Operative Techniques in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery: A Comparative Atlas, describes the preoperative planning and surgical technique for the ExoVasc® Personalised Aortic Root Support with detailed illustrations. It also concludes that following implantation in 384 patients,  the author is not aware of any patient with aortic dissection or rupture following PEARS.

The paper can be located via this link: Personalized External Aortic Root Support (PEARS) for Aortic Root Aneurysm

Exstent Ltd would like to thank the authors for their time and effort in producing these papers.


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