ExoVasc® PEARS

Medical Devices

ExoVasc® PEARS

The ExoVasc® PEARS is used to support the aortic root and the ascending aorta. It is used in two procedures, which we refer to as Aortic PEARS and Ross-PEARS.

Before either procedure, the patient receives a CT scan to produce images and data from which a 3-dimensional model of the aorta is made. From this model, 3-D printing is used to create a polymeric former that exactly matches the patient’s individual aorta.  

This former is used to provide the shape of the ExoVasc® PEARS implant, which is manufactured using polyethylene terephthalate, a soft and pliable biocompatible textile.

Once implanted, the ExoVasc® PEARS becomes incorporated into the aortic wall

Further surgery to manage the condition for which it was implanted is unlikely to be necessary. However, the ExoVasc® PEARS does not preclude further aortic intervention if it is needed in the future.

It is not electrically conductive or magnetic and is compatible with CT, MRI body scanners and airport security scanners.

It requires no maintenance and will last for the patient’s lifetime.

Patient stories

“This procedure is simple and elegant and it’s going to change my life.”

– Matia Brocker  |  Date of procedure: 2019

Aortic PEARS

In the Aortic PEARS procedure, an ExoVasc® PEARS supports the dilated aorta, for example in people with connective tissue disorders such as Marfan syndrome, Loeys-Dietz syndrome or bicuspid aortic valve.


The Ross-PEARS procedure replaces a diseased aortic valve with the patient’s own healthy pulmonary valve, which is then supported by an ExoVasc® PEARS.

Patient stories

Joe Madden

“It is now over 3 years since my operation and I am back as physically active as I want to be. I go the gym, cycle and swim and feel just great (also don’t have to take any medication whatsoever).”
Date of procedure: 2021
Age: 63

Martyn Jones

“To prepare for the weeks after the surgery I suggest that you buy a V-Shaped pillow so that you can sit up and sleep in bed. I couldn’t lie on my side in bed until 8 weeks after the operation and I don’t think it is a good idea to try lying on your side until everything has settled down.  Other items that I found helped included, button up shirts, baggy clothing, slip on shoes and straws.”
Date of procedure: 2017
Age: 34

Patient benefits brochures

You may find our patient benefits brochures useful when discussing the ExoVasc® PEARS with your doctor.

Regulatory information

Information on regulatory approvals for the ExoVasc® PEARS.

Where you can get the ExoVasc® PEARS