ExoVasc® PEARS

Aortic stenosis

Aortic stenosis

Aortic stenosis is a type of aortic valve disease. It involves the cusps or leaflets of tissue that open and close with each heartbeat.

In stenosis, the cusps or leaflets can become thick and stiff or calcified. This causes the valve opening to narrow when in the open position, which reduces blood flow from the heart.

The Ross-PEARS procedure is one option for surgical treatment of this condition.

More about the Ross-PEARS procedure

Find out more about the procedure and who it is suitable for.

Patient stories

More than 1,100 people have had an ExoVasc® PEARS implanted. Some of them have shared their stories and experiences.

Patient benefits brochure

You may find our patient benefits brochure useful when discussing the ExoVasc® PEARS with your doctor.

Where you can get the ExoVasc® PEARS