ExoVasc® PEARS



The ExoVasc® PEARS has featured in many publications and programmes over the years. You will find links to many of them in this section of our website.

Featured publications

Our 7-year experience supporting the Ross autograft with the novel technique of Personalized External Aortic Root Support
JCTVS Techniques 2024;24:121-127, Redondo A, Austin C.
Personalised external aortic root support for elective treatment of aortic root dilation in 200 patients
Heart 2021;107:1790-1795, Lucas Van Hoof, Filip Rega, Tal Golesworthy, Peter Verbrugghe, Conal Austin, Johanna J M Takkenberg, John R Pepper, Tom Treasure
Repairing hearts with some help from TED.COM

All publications

Learn more about the ExoVasc® PEARS