ExoVasc® PEARS

Tal Golesworthy delivers keynote speech at the Young European Scientist Meeting 2013


On 21 September 2013, Tal Golesworthy delivered the keynote speech at the Young European Scientist (YES) Meeting 2013 at the University of Porto Medical Faculty, Portugal.

Delivered as part of the Cardiothoracic Surgery Symposium chaired by Prof. Dr. Adelino Leite-Moreira, the speech gave an overview of the PEARS project.

The YES Meeting is an international conference built up by a group of students and friends in Porto, Portugal and its major purpose is to provide biomedical students all over the world a global platform of scientific and cultural exchange.

Other speakers at this year’s meeting included Ada Yonath, winner of the 2009 Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

To find out more, visit the YES Meeting website.


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